
콩품종 Abstract 논문초록 영문초록 본문 부분 샘플입니다. 

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영문초록 논문초록 Abstract 견적의뢰


5월 26일 파종구 용도별 콩 품종들의 출아(emergence)는 장류 및 두부용(soy sauce & tofu), 개화는 채소용(vegetable)과 장류 및 두부용, 개화(first flowering) 후 정화(terminal flower)의 개화일수(days to flowering)는 채소용이 빠르고, 개화절위는 채소용과 장류 및 두부용이 낮았다.

As for differences in the features of flowering of soybean varieties sown on May 26th according to their usage, soybeans for soy sauce and tofu emerged earlier than any other variety. In addition, soybeans for vegetable, soy sauce and tofu flowered faster than any other variety, and soybeans for vegetables had fewer days until the formation of terminal flowers. Furthermore, soybeans for vegetables, soy sauce, and tofu had a lower node position at which flowers are initiated. 

영문초록 논문초록 Abstract 견적의뢰

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